Sunday, October 13, 2019

What is blogger?


Blogger is a platform for sharing information created by Google. It was started by Google in 2003, because at that time Google had had lack of information and wanted to gain lot of information from people. Initially, Google paid money to those who contributed their data to them. People across globe started sharing information and pictures on various topics.

Later, Blogger has also launched mobile applications for users have their mobile devices. Users can post their blogs, and also share photos and links via mobile phones. The major two mobile operating systems that Blogger focuses on are Android and iOS. Blogger allow users to edit blogs anywhere through the app and either publish the blogs or save them as drafts. Quick navigation from posts and drafts is accessible from a list. Users can attach photos by taking a picture with a Blogger app or selecting pictures from their photo galleries. Sharing current locations on posts is also possible by tabbing My Location bar and adding locations. Users can also share photos and links directly to Blogger.

Steps for creating blog account

Pick a blog nameChoose some description.

Get your blog onlineRegister your blog and get hosting.

Customize your blogChoose a free template and apply it.

Write & publish your first postAs a first assignment.

Promote your blogGet more people to read your blog.

Make money bloggingChoose from several options to monetize your blog.

One can simply create it using his/her google account.


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